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2005-08-05 - 3:33 p.m.

If You Can't Do It Right, Do It Angry!

Alone and cold sat he, the Barbarous giant. A herculean man with hands spanning a yard, some said. His back had held the weight of whole armies and his arms had moved the very skies themselves.

It was spoke that he slaughtered thousands and some would attest to greater numbers still.
He was legend, a myth, an unforgettable god of men whose power was incalcuable and his willingness to die- passed to children in story, filling them with wonder and fear.

Long passed, were his conquests. His thirst for blood and fury seemingly saited for now. He simply pearched on his dark hill, sitting grimly staring through anyone brave enough to pass by.

The rain never fell upon him, but clouds loomed endlessly, forboding to travellers and keeping the barbarian locked in forever shadow.

Everyone knew of him...But what of him.
what of the giant himself, what was he to gain?

He sat as a prize to his accomplishments, never breathing a word to anyone, but letting his legend live beyond his mortal self.

The Dramatic Barbarian.

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