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2005-07-18 - 12:17 p.m.


My heart has been repossessed, because I can no longer afford it. She, my fair, my sweet, taken from me in my sleep; gone for months and now I speak-pain, true pain.

I sip my a place which houses all comers. I hate coffee, it reminds me of what I'm doing to forget about her. It's all useless, much as flushing a toilet after staring at it. We were lovers of pure and golden silk. Smiling and plump with snuggles, her eyes would meet mine and I was transfixed.

There was no escape from her save for this...the worst break-up, one of occurance and not of reason.

I saw her just now, outside, naked and alone. She was running, telling me to catch her.

I hadn't sunk so low yet, I wasn't mad enough was I?

The Yeti says yes.

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